Sunday, November 9, 2008


Maggie has been receiving so many honors at school in the past few years. I'm glad she's in a good Catholic university that recognizes how amazing she is. But now, as a senior, she's looking at the real world. The wonderful thing about Maggie is, she's looking at it as a "care-taker," that is, someone who genuinely wants to help others. She's talking about doing a year of service. And then?

I told her she should consider running the United Nations. Maggie's greatest talent has always been helping others to get along. In elementary school they called her "the peacemaker."

I just have wonderful kids!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lost in Time

Whew. Started a new job on January 14th, and life went into overdrive.
I like the job very much, but as a single mom with five children, my life was already full.
Only the reality of needing to pay bills kept me looking for something that would be satisfying and offer a regular paycheck.
BUT I just lost four months. Four whole months with practically no writing time.
I'm determined to put that back in my schedule,
with a shoehorn if necessary....
I can breathe better, when I write.
My relationship with Jesus Christ is infinitely better, when I am writing.
And then, I remember who I am, whose I am.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Above, is an old picture, from years ago. Elizabeth and Maggie used to put on their pink snowsuits and crawl around under the big fir trees in front of the house, pretending they were explorers. The trees have been home to families of cardinals and bluejays for more than twenty years; they would fly off, squawking, when the girls began to play there. If you look closely, you can see Elizabeth under the left one...
Christmas is over, everything put away til next year, with a few goodies bought at one of those after-Christmas sales, tucked in the boxes as a surprise for whichever one of the kids brings them down next Advent...
When I brought Joe back to his school after vacation, all the kids gathered round. The ones who could speak shouted, "Joe's back!" and they all wanted to hug him. Joe just sat there, grinning at them. They are the sweetest bunch of guys. No wonder he likes it there.
Just started a new job. I'd been working part-time in advocacy and looking everywhere for a good, full-time position with benefits, paid holidays, time to be with my children. Praise God, I found one, working with families of children with special needs, again, but much better pay, and guaranteed full-time, with lots of potential for advancement. Nice people, too. I wake up every morning and just give praise for all His goodness.
Why, then, do I feel so empty? Joe took up so much of my time, I had no time for a social life. Now, I suppose it's too late for that. Never mind; I have my children, a good job, time to write and pray. That will have to do.
I am truly grateful for all I have. Why do I still want more?